SCBWI Washington!

Back from SCBWI Washington!  So fun, so inspiring, and it went so fast!  This was the first SCBWI conference for my sister   and myself.  We were overwhelmed and in awe!  We had a blast, as it was a mommy weekend and we relished in only having to take care of ourselves for a change!

I have just some random photos here.  The coolest picture is the link at the bottom from a Twitter post by Egmont USA editor Elizabeth Law @egmontgal.  She is hilarious and my sister and I loved that she had a poster of R Patt in her office!  In her picture we ended up sitting at the cool table with agents, editors, and published authors, like our supercool guide  .

I loved hearing the writing journey of everyone I met–unpublished, published, agented, unagented–everything.  A highlight for me was definitely the inspirational keynote by the genuinely kind and wonderful Jay Asher  The book store ran out of his book so they are mailing me one.  Jay was kind enough to sign bookplates for those of us without the book.  I bought many other books–don’t tell my DH–and met many other authors who were just as kind and humble as Jay.

I am super sleepy right now so this post is just a mini-scrapbook of my experience at the conference.  From left to right the pictures are: me and my sister, cards from some of the writers I met (I sooo enjoyed meeting everyone and please say ‘hi’ if you came to check out my blog!  I’ll be checking all of yours tomorrow!), my supercool bookplate signed by Jay Asher (I couldn’t get the picture to rotate), my name tag (because I am a dork and I save stuff like this), me again, with  and my sis  .  I am really ticked I don’t have anymore pictures!  I took a lot but now I realize that I did–it was just with other people’s cameras!

Me and my sisCards from writers I met

bookplate signed by Jay Ashermy nametag

Anyway, we had a blast and I can’t wait for SCBWI next year!

Don’t forget to check out this awesome picture.  I am the idiot on the end who turned to tell Tara something at the last minute.  Oops.

The cool picture: