Holy Thursday, Titanic, and Hunger Games

1. Lent is over, it's Holy Thursday and I meant to post more often. You know since I gave up TV I should've had more time, right? But I did get more revising done and that's always good. Plus I had report cards and conferences in there too. But honestly my Lent cheating guilt kept me from posting. Jesus suffered and starved so I couldn't come on here and post how the stress of 22 kindergartners forced me into Starbucks a few times in those 40 days, could I?

2. I've seen Hunger Games twice now, so obviously I love it. I never see movies twice in the theater because who can afford it? But we have an old, cheap theater nearby, complete with a stage, velvet curtains, and Christmas trees that adorn each side of the stage year-round. The owner smokes in the box office but the tickets and popcorn are cheap! Since it's spring break I may have to take the kids to it again. I'm thrilled they stayed true to the book, but of course I always want more. But then they can't do a five hour movie, can they? Darn.

3. Speaking of seeing movies more than once in the theater, I did take my daughter and her friend to see Titanic last night. Back when it came out in 1997, before I had kids and was about 50 pounds lighter, my sister and I saw it twice in the theater. And since then I've watched it about 100 times on TV. I'm not sure why they re-released it in 3D. I'm not a fan of 3D movies. Number one I hate putting glasses on over my glasses and number two I have to take Dramamine so I don't get sick. Dramamine makes me sleepy. Titanic is a 3 hour movie. Still loved it but so glad when the credits rolled.

4. The highlight of my life is coming soon: The SCBWI Western Washington Conference! Yes I'm excited about what I'll learn and the online friends I'll get to see. But what I am most excited about (and always am) is the two days away from home and family and only having to clothe and feed and care for MYSELF! Is that horrible? Well really if it is I don't care.

The Help

The Help is my favorite movie of the year. Even though I already saw the movie in the theater last summer, I slacked off on my own writing this month so I could spend time reading about Aibileen, Skeeter, and Minny. Because I hoped I'd get the DVD for Christmas.

I did.

If you get the chance, please read the book, and see this movie.

Lazy Sunday Blog

Haven’t been on LJ for awhile because I found yet another way to change my story, which means the ‘new’ WIP is waiting again.  Not sure if it is such a good idea to keep changing it or not, but I think I am making it better.  Who knows.  Or I am just addicted to revising, which I think I may be.

Just finished Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. This one needs to linger in my memory for awhile before I can read any other stories.

So, because I can’t go without reading, I’m reading a self-help. I’ll let you know if I have an epiphany on why I eat when I am not hungry.

This has been the most unproductive, lazy weekend in my recent memory.  I didn’t even turn on the computer yesterday.  My daughter is sick, so while hubby and son went to a family party yesterday, we laid on the couch all day and watched movies.

First we watched

Then we watched

And last, we watched

She ate chicken soup and saltines and Sprite while I hid chocolate from her, ate the chocolate, and the saltines, and the Sprite.  Sort of forgot about the book I’m currently reading.  Oh well, tomorrow is Monday, I’ll remember it tomorrow!

Lazy Sunday Blog

Haven’t been on LJ for awhile because I found yet another way to change my story, which means the ‘new’ WIP is waiting again.  Not sure if it is such a good idea to keep changing it or not, but I think I am making it better.  Who knows.  Or I am just addicted to revising, which I think I may be.

Just finished Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. This one needs to linger in my memory for awhile before I can read any other stories.

So, because I can’t go without reading, I’m reading a self-help. I’ll let you know if I have an epiphany on why I eat when I am not hungry.

This has been the most unproductive, lazy weekend in my recent memory.  I didn’t even turn on the computer yesterday.  My daughter is sick, so while hubby and son went to a family party yesterday, we laid on the couch all day and watched movies.

First we watched

Then we watched

And last, we watched

She ate chicken soup and saltines and Sprite while I hid chocolate from her, ate the chocolate, and the saltines, and the Sprite.  Sort of forgot about the book I’m currently reading.  Oh well, tomorrow is Monday, I’ll remember it tomorrow!