Everything but Writing

This is what I’m doing.

Baking, cleaning, sweating, playing in the kiddie pool, sifting bugs out of the kiddie pool, sweeping grass off my kitchen floor 10 times a day, yelling at kids, locking the door so kids can’t come in so I can read or get online, spraying sunscreen on kids, feeding kids, and eating too many Fudgesicles.

Everything but writing. Unless you count fixing my query letter. I’m ripping my hair out over it and it really hurts because my scalp is sunburned.

Okay enough whining.

Aren’t these cute cupcakes? My daughter and I made them for my son’s birthday party. The theme is ‘almost campout’ so we’ll have kids from 5-9pm. We found the idea online and used chocolate rocks, Tootsie Roll fire logs, orange jelly candy as fire, and the pretzel and mini marshmallow make a great roasting stick.

Happy weekend, everyone!

Currently reading