Attention, Fellow Notebook Hoarders!

Thanks to a post by  I found out that Etsy sells more than just jewelry and accesories.  They sell notebooks!  Since her post I have ordered a notebook for myself and for my sister  ‘s birthday (no peeking, sis!)

As I have a special affinity for Moleskin notebooks, this notebook is speeding its way through the mail to me.  A little spendy for a notebook, but as I am a true hoarder, I will keep it forever!  Thank you, Jessica!

Time Wasting

I should be revising my novel, but instead I’m doing time-wasting things, like ordering clearance Christmas wrapping paper from this place

My daughter’s karaoke songs keep popping up on the iPod so I’m also wasting time singing along to those.  Today I have 4 kids in the house so this is a huge distraction.

Here is the latest batch of cookies I baked.  They are Linzer cookies which I made gluten-free with rice flour (I was pretty excited about this!)  I am posting all cookie pictures in honor of my WIP, which is waiting for me to get on with it and stop wasting time. 
Have a happy week!



1. My kids have this holiday tradition of catching every bug that blows through town from November to December!  My son has the nerve to get sick three days before Christmas!  So I ask you, am I a bad mother to let him watch TV all day?  He is running through our collection of Christmas DVDs.  An hour ago it was Rudolph, now I hear the Heat Miser singing his little fiery jingle.  Those of you with kids, do you let them watch TV all day when they’re sick?  Just curious.

2. In honor of my current WIP, I’ve decided to post pictures of every cookie I bake.  These  
were baked the other day, and I baked a different batch of cookies after that, but those are gone.  Darn, they were pretty too.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!


1. My baby brother is an officer in the Navy, serving in Afghanistan for a year. He let us know about the coffee bar on base and how you can order cups of coffee for the troops.  Cup of Joe for a Joe You can donate any amount, starting at $2.00, plus you can personalize a note to the soldiers. I just donated 5 cups and it was really easy. Pass on the link!


2. Christmas movies have lured me away from my nightly writing and online stuff. Just watched It’s A Wonderful Life  last night and plan to watch the Family Man tonight. These are two of my favorites and I think it’s because I love all things angel and both have angels in them. Christmas Vacation is a hilarious family favorite and I know I shouldn’t let my kids watch it because of all the cussing but, oh well, I do. What is your favorite Christmas movie?


3. Speaking of Christmas, I’m almost sick of it. Sick of the commercialism and the stores and I’m almost ready to take my tree down and we still have 5 days to go! I swore I wasn’t going to do it this year–put up my decorations too early. I’m done with all shopping and wrapping, but still need to head to the store because we’ll be out of soap and TP and stuff by Tuesday. I want my Target back to normal, I’m burnt out and craving springtime.


4. New Year’s resolutions are around the corner and I’m afraid to peek at mine from last year. They say posting them publicly will make them happen, but I think the only thing it will accomplish is making me cringe. Feels like that forgotten container in your fridge, the one lurking behind the yogurt, next to that half-bag of frozen salad. Yikes, who wants to see that?

Have a happy week!