Numb Butts, Chocolate and Rejection

As far as New Year’s Resolutions go, I haven’t started yet. I haven’t posted on LJ, or exercised, and I’m sure I didn’t put ‘eat more chocolate’ on my list, but that’s exactly what I’ve done.

However, I am going blind each day, and my butt is numb from my nights, hunched over this here machine. I cherish the time after work, when the house is empty, and the nights, after the kids get to bed and hubby falls asleep in front of the TV.

I’ve found new ways to fix my story, before I send out more queries. I’m now into the 70,000 range for word count! This is very exciting–my first draft was over 110,000 words.

My daughter just experienced her first creative rejection–she auditioned for a musical at a community theatre, but didn’t get a part. She sang part of a song from Mamma Mia the Musical, read from a script, and had to play/banter with the director. All in front of about 30 people, and judges sitting at a table “American Idol” style. I was so in awe of her. She performed really well. I could never, ever, in a zillion years do anything like that, and I felt so proud of her, it made me cry 😦

Feeling that rejection with her stung more than any of the agent rejections I’ve recieved.

She got over it quick. Tears for five minutes, and the off to play the Wii.

She’s 9. 🙂