Giveaway and Interview with Kylie Gilmore, author of The Opposite of Wild

Congratulations to my friend Kylie Gilmore on her new romantic comedy The Opposite of Wild! Be sure to read through to the bottom of the page to find out how you can win a copy of Kylie’s book and a $20 Amazon card!


Unleash the wild woman…?

Ex-cop Ryan O’Hare takes one look at buttoned-up control freak Liz Garner and just itches to loosen the woman up. Not that he’s into her. Because a woman like that comes with way too many expectations. Not to mention, she practically works for him, and he didn’t hire Liz to watch after his beloved Harley-stealing Gran so he could turn Liz loose in his bed. Still, there’s something about her, a hidden wild side, that makes him wonder what it would take.

Liz must be crazy to work for the insensitive, arrogant, horribly…hot man she’s avoided for years. Unfortunately, she needs the money and Ryan’s grandmother needs a keeper. (Midnight tango lessons and ziplines with Gran, anyone?) Ryan’s rare smile and swaggering confidence have Liz torn between throwing her favorite pinot grigio at his head or throwing herself at him. Can this control freak find a way to let loose with the tough, no-strings guy who once broke her heart?

SG: Thanks for stopping by my blog, Kylie! I love your book cover, how did you come up with the title?

KG: The title is based on the way Ryan initially sees Liz as the opposite of wild, the perfect antidote to his crazy grandmother. Somehow Gran’s wild ways rub off on Liz and that’s when things get interesting.

SG: Ooh, things get interesting, I definitely want to read more! I have kind of a silly question for you: If Liz was craving chocolate, what kind of chocolate would she have?

KG: Ooh, tough question because Liz is really into eating healthy and staying fit (part of her control freak ways), but she does have a weakness for Godiva chocolate truffles.

SG: If we readers weren’t looking, what kind of date would Liz and Ryan go on?

KG: They’d probably stop for pizza with veggie toppings for Liz and pepperoni for Ryan. Then they’d go cruising on Ryan’s Harley.

SG: Fun! I’m betting those two have a whole lotta fun in this story. Speaking of fun, which scene did you have the most fun writing?

KG: One of my favorite scenes to write was when Ryan delivers Liz’s first paycheck. His fascination with Liz drives him to push her just a little bit out of her comfort zone.

And here it is:

Ryan just stood there, his sharp eyes studying her. “You’re a puzzle, Liz.”

“I am?”

He reached out and smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear, and her heart caught in her throat at the gentle gesture. “You seem so…uptight,” he said. She stiffened and took a step back. “But I know you were checking me out when I was mowing.”

She flushed, but rallied quickly. “I was only bringing you water.” She crossed her arms and said primly, “You surprised me when you dumped the water on your head. I was merely looking to see if you were going to do any other…surprising things.”

His lips twitched. “You’re like a librarian just waiting to let loose.”

“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” she bristled, hands on her hips.

“There it is.” He smiled and stepped close, crowding her space. She drew in a quick breath, but held her ground. “The puzzle—fire and ice.”

She put both hands on his solid chest and pushed him out the door. “Next time, mail the check.” She shut the door in his face, turned and leaned against it. “Urgh!”

“That’s what I’m talking about,” he said through the door.

She ripped open the door. “Go away.”

His head cocked to the side while he bit back a smile. “Is that any way to talk to your employer?”

“Gah!” She slammed the door and locked it. She heard his low laugh as he walked away.

SG: Oh, I need more! I want to read more! Okay, I’m calming down now, next question. Kylie, where do you create all these fun scenes? Where do you write?

KG: I write at a tiny desk in a tiny office on a computer with a huge screen (this is what happens when your hubby picks the computer). My kitty is my special revisions helper. DSCN1433_2

SG: Aww so cute! Cats love those warm computers, don’t they? Onto the next question! Kylie, if your book was made into a movie, who would you cast in the role of your characters?

KG: Josh Holloway would definitely be Ryan (see my Facebook page for the picture that inspired my hero) and for Liz, it would be fun to see Reese Witherspoon play her from control freak to wild woman.

SG: Ok I had to look him up and I’m glad I did! Yeah, I could totally see him as Ryan! So Kylie, what are you currently working on?

KG: I always planned on writing the story of each of the three O’Hare brothers, so right now I’m hard at work on book #2 in the Clover Park series, Daisy Does It All, featuring Daisy and Trav’s love story. Book #3 will feature the youngest brother Shane.

SG: More O’Hare brothers? Well I can’t wait to read the other books too! Thanks for stopping by to talk about The Opposite of Wild! And readers, don’t forget to click on the Rafflecopter link below for Kylie’s awesome giveaway!


Kylie Gilmore lives in New York with her family, two cats, and a nutso dog. When she’s not writing, wrangling kids, or dutifully taking notes at writing conferences, you can find her flexing her muscles all the way to the high cabinet for her secret chocolate stash.

You can find her on Facebook , Twitter , and her website.

The Opposite of Wild can be found in the wild on US Amazon.

Click here to enter a Rafflecopter giveaway where you can win a copy of Kylie’s book and a $20 Amazon card!

ARC Giveaway!

**Giveaway is now closed** Thanks to everyone who entered! See below for the winner! I will be posting another giveaway soon!

I’m giving away an ARC of Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff. Below is my mini review, and the details on how to win it and a little chocolate, because hey, it’s Valentines week!

No spoilers here! I’m not giving a synopsis of this YA mystery/thriller, I don’t review that way. I just like to tell you how much I enjoyed the story. If I didn’t enjoy it then I wouldn’t give this mini review.

I was overjoyed to pick this ARC up at ALA Midwinter last month! I was already a fan of Brenna’s after reading The Replacement a couple of years ago so I knew I couldn’t go wrong, and this book did not disappoint me!

Why did I like this story? Come on, it’s dark and there are ghosts and blood and some of my other favorite elements, all mixed together! I admit, the beginning didn’t quite hook me the way The Replacement did, but I do have an aversion to summer heat so this might be why. But all it takes is for one ghost to appear and I’m hooked! The tension grows throughout the story, and especially after protagonist Hannah’s unlikely love interest enters the picture. Which all means, I couldn’t put this down! Because the other things I love in a book are creepy and possibly-forbidden love.  Love them! The end has a little twist that I didn’t see coming. I mean it–I couldn’t put this down–I read it in 1.5 days, and stayed up late on a school night to finish it!

Here’s How You Win (There are two ways to win!):

1. Follow me on Twitter! @Shannywriter. Reply to me with the words “ARC Giveaway”. If you’re already following me, do the same reply.

2. Or, follow this blog (and leave a comment below so I know you are interested in the giveaway). And if you already follow this blog, leave a comment below.

PS: If you do both things, that’s two chances to win!

The giveaway ends at 2:14pm (PST) on February 14, 2013. And sorry, you have to live in the United States because I’m a poor teacher and I can’t afford international shipping!

Update: The winner of this giveaway is: ANNASTAN! Congratulations, Anna! Please email your address (or PM me on Verla Kay) so I can send this to you!  ShannyMB(at)msn(dot)com

Thanks for the books you recommend!

I am happy to go into the weekend without anymore stinky rejections in my inbox!  Thank you to whomever it was that recommended ‘Hooked’ by Les Edgerton!  I started reading it yesterday, and it explains so well the importance of the beginning of your story.  I think, based on his advice, that mine is on the right track, (of course I could edit more but ask me if I really want to) but my new WIP definitely is not.  I’m only 4 pages in so its okay.

I recommended Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater to the lady on the radio today.  She is obsessed with Twilight and was sad about finishing the 4th book.  I emailed her, suggesting this book since it is story about forbidden love and werewolves.  I never thought I’d get a reply, but she did, very excited over going to look for Shiver over the weekend.  Made me smile.  This DJ has sons in college and her favorite book is YA.  I love it.